How do I comply with the HPD's Post Gas Leak Notice requirements?
The HPD adopted amendments governing procedure during suspected gas leaks and record-keeping for smoke detecting & carbon monoxide alarms.
Property owners of a dwelling are required to provide tenants with a notice regarding procedures that should be followed when a gas leak is suspected.
The information must be provided by:
- Delivering such notice to each tenant and prospective tenant of such dwelling (all tenant-occupied units, including 1- and 2- family homes) with the lease or lease renewal form for such tenant or prospective tenant
- AND posting and maintaining a notice in a common area of the building.
- AND shall instruct tenants to leave the building and call 911 immediately after leaving when they suspect a gas leak and then call the gas service provider that is providing gas to the dwelling. The owner of the dwelling shall identify who the gas service provider for the dwelling is and provide the name and current emergency phone number of the appropriate gas service provider on the notices required by subdivisions.
The required format for the sign is as follow:
- (1) the notice shall have letters not less than three-sixteenths of an inch in height
- (2) the lettering of the notice shall be of bold type and shall be properly spaced to provide good legibility and the background shall be of contrasting colors;
- (3) the notice shall be durable and shall be substantially secured to the common area where posted
- (4) the notice shall be of metal, plastic, or decal; and
- (5) lighting shall be sufficient to make the notice easily legible.
The posting shall instruct tenants to call Con Edison at 1-800-752- 6633, after first leaving the building and calling 911, unless 1-800-752-6633 is no longer the number used to report suspected gas leaks to Con Edison, in which case the current emergency phone number used by Con Edison shall be used instead.
National Grid
The posting shall instruct tenants to call National Grid at 1-718-643- 4050, after first leaving the building and calling 911, unless 1-718-643-4050 is no longer the current number used to report suspected gas leaks in New York City to National Grid, in which case the current emergency phone number used by National Grid for New York City shall be used instead.
Per the HPD
For the notice otherwise required by this provision, [A]an owner may in lieu of such notice, instead choose to post a single notice that incorporates and complies with this provision as well as the provisions of 28 RCNY § 12-01(b) and (c) and 28 RCNY § 12-11(b). A sample of an approved single notice, the language of which may be used for compliance with this subdivision, is made part of these regulations in 28 RCNY § 12-12.1 and may also be found on HPD’s website at
View Sample Notice - Suspected Gas Leak for suspected gas leak only or Sample Notice - Combined Notice for smoke detectors/carbon monoxide detectors and gas leak notice attached below.
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