For more information on Annual Tenant Safety Notices, please visit here.
To confirm and submit an order for Annual Tenant Safety Notices, start by logging in to your SiteCompli account.
The order will be present in your account waiting to be confirmed.
How Do I Edit My Order?
If you need to make changes, you can edit your order. To edit, expand the order details (click on the small plus sign next to the order number) and click Edit Order.
How Do I Confirm My Order?
After you have verified all the information on the order is correct, you must click Confirm Order.
After your order is confirmed, the Tenant Safety Notices will be printed and mailed to your property's tenants.
Note: Properties removed from compliance monitoring will NOT be included in future Annual Safety Mailings. Only actively monitored properties are eligible for mailings.
If you would like to order Tenant Safety Notices please contact your Customer Success Manager or reach out to SiteCompli Support at for more information.
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