What If I Can’t Correct The Violation In The Required Timeframe?
- You may request to extend the date to correct the violations if there are valid reasons why you cannot complete the work within the time frame – this is referred to as a postponement. The maximum additional time that may be granted for class A violations is 60 days and for class B violations 30 days. Postponements are not granted for class C non-lead-based paint violations. Lead-Based Paint violations may initially be postponed for 14 days.
- See the back of your Notice of Violations where there are instructions on what documentation must be provided to support your postponement request! Note that the requirements for Lead-Based Paint Postponements are provided on a separate page in your Notice of Violation package.
How To Request A Postponement
You may request that the Department extend the date to correct violations/failures if there are valid reasons why you cannot complete the work within the time frame. These requests may be sent to the Postponement Unit, Division of Code Enforcement, 100 Gold Street, 5th floor, New York, NY 10038. Such requests must be received before the required correction dates and include: the building address, a copy of the Notice of Violation)/Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Failure, the reason for making the request for a postponement, and documentation supporting your claim that you have taken all necessary steps to complete the work on time. You will be advised in writing regarding the approval or denial of your postponement request.
Lead-Based Violation Postponements
An owner can request up to two postponements of the date of correction if they are having a serious technical difficulty; inability to obtain necessary materials, funds, or labor; or inability to gain access to make the required repair. Review the attached 1st Request Postponement Form and 2nd Request Postponement Form carefully before submitting the request for postponement.
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