Don't see this feature? Workflows are only available for organizations on the InCheck platform. If you have any questions about how your team can access this feature, reach out to
ADMIN ONLY: You must be an Admin to assign Roles for your organization. You can tell if you have Admin privileges because you will have the Company menu option in your profile. If you are not an Admin, please have an Admin for your account contact
Workflows are customizable groups of Tasks related to a larger project or objective, and they are a great way to make sure your team is resolving compliance issues the same way each time.
SiteCompli has created a library of best practices for resolving all sorts of items including violations and inspections that you can use and modify for your team's needs.
Creating a New Compliance Workflow
To create a new Workflow, click on the circular icon (the one that contains your initials or your picture) in the upper right-hand corner, click Company, and then click Workflow Library from the left-hand menu.
Or you can visit the Standard Operating Procedures page here
In the Workflow Library window click on the green Create a Workflow button.
In the Create Workflow window, search for related items to find a Workflow Template that suits your compliance needs and click Select.
In the Create Workflow window:
Tab 1: Details
- If desired, edit the Title and Description for your new Workflow Template.
- Verify the specific record type in Related To is correct.
- Click Next.
Tab 2: Tasks
- Verify the existing tasks in the Workflow, and edit existing tasks or create new tasks by clicking Add Task.
- Select if you would like a specific User, Role, or Team listed as the Default Assignee for the new Workflow.
- When you're done, click Save.
Tab 3: Triggering on a Schedule
- Select On a schedule on if you'd like the workflow to automatically trigger each time a new item related to that data set is added to your account.
- When you're done, click Next.
Tab 4: Scope
- Select either:
- All Properties
- Groups - Select a group of Properties from a Property Group
- Specific Properties - Select one or multiple properties manually
- None - Workflow not relevant to a Property
- Toggle Published if you would like this Workflow to go Live
When you're done, click Create.
Your new custom Workflow has now been added to your Workflow Library and can be triggered by anyone on your team.
If your team's process changes for a Workflow, you can make any needed edits by clicking on the small pencil icon.
Don't see this feature? Workflows are only available for users on the InCheck platform. If you have any questions about how your team can access this feature, reach out to
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