Here's a quick video highlighting key parts of your new Local Law 97 page:
For a more in-depth video covering this new Local Law 97 resource, scroll down below.
What does the Local Law 97 page show?
SiteCompli and InCheck's new Local Law 97 page shows buildings in your portfolio
against data from NYC's four Covered Buildings Lists (CBL) for Local Law 97:
- Any building required to comply with Local Law 97 appears on the Standard list
- In addition, buildings may appear on several "special" lists with differing due
dates or compliance rules:- Prescriptive List, with one-time report filing due 5/1/25
- Rent Regulated List, with annual report filings beginning 5/1/27
- Income Restricted List, with annual report filings beginning 5/1/36
Properties that do not appear on any of the above Covered Buildings Lists will be shown as NO under the Subject To column on the right hand side of the page.
Please note that this page is compiled using the city's CBLs. The city strongly recommends consulting with Local Law 97 experts to confirm compliance requirements (in addition to guidance from the lists). You can read their recommendations here:
What if my property is on multiple Covered Buildings Lists?
If your property appears on multiple special CBLs, it's best to consult with an expert to determine the property's appropriate filing date and compliance path.
For properties listed as Multiple:
- You will not see a due date on the main list view page
- You can see related due dates for applicable lists when you click into the property line
- You will not see these properties appear on the Calendar
Why is my property appearing multiple times?
It's possible your property may be associated with multiple lots. If so, it may appear multiple times on the Local Law 97 page. We want to ensure you're aware which lot is appearing on a specific CBL so you can determine the best course of action.
How is this page different than Compliance Manager?
Compliance Manager lets your team track filings and more with customizable statuses to reach compliance goals. The Local Law 97 page does allow teams to add notes and records for each property, but there aren't overall statuses or tracking here.
What if I need help understanding Local Law 97 requirements or best practices?
We're happy to provide you with contact details or a direct introduction to key Local Law 97 experts in NYC. They can help you understand requirements for your specific buildings, how to comply, and how to file beginning next year. Contact or your Customer Success Manager for expert information.
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